Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Studio Space

I have recently come across a wonderful studio space for shooting in.  It is called the Anne MacDonald hall and it is part of the Presentation House theatre in North Vancouver.  Originally a church, it was moved to its current location, yes, the entire building was moved, and set up as a rehearsal space.  The original Church of the building is in tact - large stain glass window, hardwood floors, wood wainscoting.  Very charming inside and out.

Primarily I am a location photographer. I have very few times when I actually "need" a studio.  For the times that I do, this is the place.  I can use it for a few hours and have none of the worries of ownership.  Rental is very reasonable.  For more info go to .

Here is a sample of images that I did the on the weekend.

Inside building using natural light coming in through the large window

Outside using natural light

Outside using natural light

Inside building using natural light

Monday, February 21, 2011

Visiting Mr. Green

The Presentation House in North Vancouver has long been known for giving excellent theatrical entertainment at an outstanding value. There current production, Visiting Mr. Green, is no exception.  I have uploaded some images of the play so you can see can a taste for it but I am not going to be a spoiler.  To find out what the show is about you will have go see the show.  You only have until February 27th so you need to do it soon.  Check out the dinner and play special The Presentation House has arranged with Chez Michel.  Tried it myself on the weekend and it was great.

Like I said, you won't be disappointed.