Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Focal Point

I believe that education in photography is essential if we want to keep up with the ever changing technology and still maintain photography as a viable art form. Today there are many non traditional ways to learn about photography, particularly on line. A quick search on the internet will show literally millions of sites that are dedicated to teaching you how to photograph. Some of them, like the New York Institute of Photography, can prove to be a viable way to learn photography as an art. However, most of them fall well short.

The best way to get a photography education is to work with a instructor in a structured program that has well defined learning outcomes so that at the end of the process you walk away with a well rounded foundation in photography. Places that do this well are hard to find. 

Focal Point Visual Arts Centre has been providing this level of quality education in Vancouver for 39 years. This month, we will be loosing Focal Point. As an alumnae of Focal Point as well as one of its instructors, I know that it will be missed.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Focal Point for being a big part of my photography career and to wish all the best to my students and the staff.