Friday, March 30, 2012


This image was taken during a lifestyle session that I did over spring break. This young man was in to all the high energy sports - skateboarding, snowboarding, BMX, mountain biking. We spent the day going to numerous locations to capture him "in action".

I captured this image right at the beginning of the session, before we really got into the action. It was captured with a 10mm lens so the skateboard was just inches from the lens. The perspective of the lens gave the image this interesting look. I had a single 580EX flash to camera right with it zoomed to 105mm to add an extra punch of light to the face. The balance of the image was lit by ambient light reflected off the building  Black and white conversion was done using Nik's Silver Effects Pro 2.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Photo Challenge #7

This weeks challenge is to photograph somebody doing their thing. It could be some kids skateboarding, snow skiing, bowling - whatever it is that they do for recreations. As an added challenge, try using a strobe to increase the impact of the image.