Sunday, January 31, 2010

Only show your best

Editing, probably one of the least loved aspects of photography. When the shoot is over and you have several hundred images to sift through, it can often feel like a chore just to get busy and get it done. Many photographers completely skip this step, showing off all the images they took.

Last week I did a session for my son. He has a profesional actor and he often models for me when I want to do some photographic experimenting. He has also worked with me on many assignments and knows how I work. He knows my rule that nobody sees their images until I have edited them.

There are many reasons for this rule.

  1. I will take many exposures of the same images just to get the right expresion. I want to edit out the expresions that are not flattering to the subject.
  2. I want to insure that all images with technical problems are removed of fixed.
  3. The first impression and the last impression are what people will remeber about their session. Regardless of how much fun they had during the session, what they will mostly remember was if you were ready to go when they were, and how the images looked when they were presented. Therfore, only present the best from the session.
  4. People tend to focus on the negative.
  5. You are the profesional. Your client is counting on your opinion to help them select the best images. Showing them the "bad" images will undermine their confidence in you.
When it comes to personal images, the same thing holds true.  Make sure to edit them dwn right away.  You will be more likely to make prints from them and they will be ready to show when you want to show them.

My clients are usuall very excited after a session and are anxious to see their images. My son is no exeption. I ad to fight him off while I edited the picture, I decided to run an experiment.  I left a few of the images in that I would have otherwise deleted. True to form, he focused on the bad ones. He agreed that there were several very good images in the bunch but what about those ones. So once again, lesson learned!

Edit Your Images!

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