Sunday, September 11, 2011

Summer Light

Vancnouver is being hit with a late summer this year.  It never really warmed up over the summer months and we never really saw much blue sky.  Now that has changed and it is awesome.

During the main summer months the light is direcectly over head. And when it is clear sky's you get a lighting that wedding photographers love to hate - harsh, strong, and unflattering.  But, cloudy summers change all that.  Why? The suns harsh light is diffused by this giant soft box called cloud cover.  The light is soft and beautiful.  As photographers, all we have to do is give it some direction.

Sunny weather this time of the year also makes for great light because the light is no longer directly over head.  Now the light is coming at an angle pretty much all day.  Awesome!  Now I have directional, punchy light - outdoors. I'm looking out the window right now and seeing the sun is starting to go down. Absolutely beautiful.  Want some real fun - try shooting after the sun goes down and use the penumbra as your light source.  Light direction is from the west but the sky acts as a giant reflector now, giving you a soft but none the less punchy light.  You gotta love it.  Don't forget to do a custom white balance though.

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